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Copper Slag Grit is a blast cleaning grit made of granulated slag from metal melting processes, is also referred as iron silicate. Copper slag is mainly used for surface blast-cleaning.

Abrasive blasting is used to clean and shape the surface of metal, stone, concrete and other materials. In this process, a stream of abrasive grains called grit is propelled toward the work piece.    Grit is a blasting material used for anti-corrosion and cleaning surfaces of various objects: metal, wood, plastic etc.

Which are contaminated, with corrosion, hues and other materials used for surface coating. Due to its great abrasive characteristics and sufficient grain kinetic energy, copper grit has been successfully used as a high-quality material in anti-corrosion protection applicable for all sorts of steel constructions, machines, ships, etc.


SL# Parameters Analytic method Result
1 Grain shape - Sharp & angular
2 Bulk Density (kg/dm3) - 3,37
3 Moh's Hardness  - 7,5
4 Moisture % PHY08D 0,099
5 Colour - Brownish Black
6 Water- Soulible Chlorides % CLA04E <0,005

chemical composition

SL# Name Symbol Analytic method  Result %
1 Iron Oxide Fe0 CLA01A 40-42
2 Silicon Dioxide SiO2 ICP90A 34-36
3 Iron Fe CON08V 33-34
4 Aluminium Oxide A12O3 ICP90A 4-4,5
5 Calcium Oxide CaO ICP90A 6 - 7,6
6 Magnesium Oxide MgO ICP90A 2 - 2,2 
7 Cooper Cu ICP90A 0,2 - 0, 24
8 Lead Pb ICP40B < 1
9 Zinc Zn ICP40B 0,6 - 0, 8
10 Free Silica Si < 1%

Our Grit characteristics:

  • 7,5 grade hardness according to Moh's scale,
  • Black color,
  • Irregular prismatic shape with a lot of sharp edges, which gives great abrasiveness and kinetic energy produced by weight and speed in airstream,
  • Suitable for all kinds of blasting with standard equipment for that purpose.

DIFFERENT grit range

Based on costumer request, we are able to manufacture grit within range from
0.2 mm to 3.0 mm granulation range




Copper Slag Grit is a blast cleaning grit made of granulated slag from metal melting processes


Our Copper Slag Grit possesses all the qualities of abrasive material widely used in anti-corrosion


Gritankos from the beginning has been certified from the most know worldwide laboratories in the world


Packing is one of the most important things for us, we care for the packing of our products